May 30, 2008

~~No Title~~

Salaam and hi all,

Ni baru ada kelapangan nak update blog, been busy lately.. dengan assignment, submission... Alhamdulillah semua dah selesai, abang said I selalu buat keja last minute, heh... kind of true... but I managed to finish it (#^-^#) , phewwhh!! Last phase jek belum lepas, FINAL presentation.. huhu, cuak..cuak..!

So, what am I gonna talk about for this entry, ermm.... takde ape sangat la, been busy with my student life, social life... what else! Come to think about, few years are gone.... dah lama rupanya I've been here, without a family...just few friends, yang selalu cheer me up! Sometimes rasa macam mimpi, macam mana boleh ada kt dunia asing ni, and walaupun I selalu homesick and nangis nak balik, but still I can hang on here, hmm... Whatever it is, hidup mesti diteruskan right, dah tertulis perjalanan hidup I macam ni, honestly kadang2 I merungut, kenapa my life tak smooth macam orang lain, u know.... after high school, masuk universiti, dapat degree.. and get a good job, then boleh bagi duit tiap2 bulan kat adik2, kat parent... buy things you want using your own money, hmm, maybe itu life orang lain, mine is quite different, abang yang byk sedarkan yang tak semua benda yang kita plan kita dapat... yeah, and I'm starting to accept the faith, bersyukur dengan apa yang ada, and berusaha ke arah yang lebih baik... (^-^), moga2 Allah tabahkan hati ni, nak tempuh dugaan yang kita belum tau lagi macam mana bentuknya.... erm, I reckon enuff about luahan hati yang dah lama terpendam ni...

Those pics above were taken at the same spot but at different day and time, lovely arent they? This is one of my favourite spot in the house apart from my room. Bila I rindu my family, rindu nak balik umah, I selalu termenung kat tempat ni, which is kat tepi tingkap in the kitchen area, why? Only from this spot I can see all the airplanes flying here and there , coz Tullamarine Airport is located on that side, ermm especially time sunset, the scenery is really beautiful and makes me calm (^-^)..... so, enjoy the pics!

Errmm, now nak story pasal my new routine, dulu main2 jek, every weekend join few friends of mine main badminton, yeah I tak terer macam abang, just for fun and keluarkan peluh sket2, lebih banyak melompat + gelak2 dari bermain, but yeah.. I really enjoy it! And starting from last weekend, we all sepakat nk tambah new activity in our exercise schedule... hihi, benda ni dah lama jugak tk buat, last time I went into a swimming pool was with Siti, a year back! Last wiken, we all pakat2 pegi City Bath, dengan Cima yang tak bawak baju sekali, luckily Kak Zura and me bawak baju lebih, heheh... Ramai2 terjun dalam kolam renang tu, conquer satu corner (kes tak reti berenang), terkuak kuak macam katak jek, Add je yang pro, huhu.....2 jam berendam, tu pun ada hati tkmau balik lagi.. (^-^)... this wiken, kitaorang nk try swimming kt tempat lain pulak, kt Brunswick, hopefully tak ramai orang...umm, ok la, enuff for now kot, nak buat keja lain pulak, since abang pun ada tournamnet tonite, so I bole tgk Bleach dulu, hihi... nitey! daa...

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