Jul 20, 2008

~~Melbourne Design Market~~

Melbourne's weather forecast, July 20th : Cloudy with showers and the risk of a thunderstorm. Moderate northerly wind becoming light and variable.

Since the weather is really exchangeable, a plan of going to Sunday Art Market in Williamstown has been canceled and changed to :

* Art Market ( Art Center)
* Free Shuttle Bus Tour (went through all stops 'till the last stop)
* Shrine of Remembrance
* Melbourne Design Market

The last stop (credit to Miss Dayah), surprisingly really rang the bell (was so sleepy before that), though it was held at the Fed Square's car park, the response was unbelievable, too crowded and happening. Since the market itself called 'design market', many unique, stunning & creative stuffs can be found here - clothes, stationaries, home ware, accessories, u name it! But there's one stall which really caught my eyes, selling bags, watches, shower curtains and folded rulers (if Im not mistaken). Of all the designs, the bags and watches are really2 unique + cute.. bla..bla.blaaa... I couldn't help myself to buy the watch (1 for myself & & another 2 for my little brothers + yup yup been induced by my flatmate as well (she bought 2 for herself). The brand is called S.T.A.M.P.S . Basically the concept is mix & match, u can choose both design of a watch and a strap by yourself. Me myself spent almost about an hour to choose, huhu. Finally, I got these designs, have a look! (^-^)

The collections (including the 2 belong to my flatmate)

Close up! (^-^)


hidayahrodhi said...

wah menariks!!!!..add pun beli ka???...eeee pasai pa la x buat time kami ada kat sana!!!!!...serius menarik benda alah nih.

Elylinn said...

hihihi, tak dapek nk nolong, next time klu nak mai tgk2 dulu event apa ada kt sini...hih!

Shasha Saad said...

nak satuuu!!!! merah++putih muhehehe

azreen said...

menarik menarik... nak satu

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